Wednesday, November 11, 2009

OK so once again, the night before some sort of event, the pipes in our tiny house decide to clog and render all cleaning, washing, and bathing off limits. I just can't believe this! It happened last Christmas and now the night before we are supposed to leave to Easton. I can't run the dishwasher, wash any other dishes, take a shower or pretty much anything else. I want to cry.

A is running a fever of 101 degrees and snaked the pipes 25 feet with no luck. And to make matters worse - he just informed me that the snake is now stuck in my bathtub and he can't get it out! He is barely functional, covered in gross pipe sludge and now he can't properly shower.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blog to Vent!!

So here it is ladies - our place to post any news, stories or aggravations! Feel free to be as candid as you like but only use the first letter of our kids names for privacy.